Monday, January 26, 2009

Day by Day

As the journey continues, God keeps shaping me and opening my eyes to new things. I have become a regular in the internet cafe, and the first day I connected to Joseph Ghunney, the guy who manages the internet cafe. This was a huge answer to prayer because going into the trip I had prayed for one or two guys to invest in and I definitely think Joseph is one of those guys. The first day when we connected, he actually told me that he had never had a white friend before because they came into the cafe often but never showed that they cared that he existed. Wow--that blew me away and humbled me that God gave me this opportunity to get to know him. So Saturday, I met Joseph in town and he showed me his house and then we walked around town and talked--mostly I just listened to him which I think meant a lot to him to just have someone listen and show that they care about his life. He is a really cool guy that has been through a lot. He is Jehovah's Witness, and I'm just praying that Joseph will experience the love of Christ through me and that I will be able to be Jesus with skin to him. That night at the lodge, a few of us talked to Isaac, the owner of Lagoon Lodge, and he said something to me that really impacted me. He said that Africans just live day to day...they don't worry as much about the future and all that could happen, basically the things that consume the thoughts of most Americans. That statement resounded in my mind because Jesus calls us to live day by day like the birds and flowers and to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and let Him provide for our needs in Matthew 6 and Luke 12! So what great lessons can we learn from the Africans about how to live out Jesus' words and truly live day to day. I'm hoping to learn as much as I can while I'm here and then carry that over to my life when I return home!

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