Wednesday, February 4, 2009

restoration (continued)

(This continues my most recent post but it was too long so I had to make it two posts. I'm wordy what can I say. ha) At North Campus Primary and Don Bosque I know books are a need and the people there are exploring other possible needs. I wanted to let you know this in case you felt led to give to our cause and help us out. We are pooling some money ourselves and then several group members have emailed people back home and friends and family from America are sending money. All the money we raise will be pooled and will go directly into restoration projects to address needs in Ghana like the ones I have mentioned and others if we have the resources and discover more situations that we can assist in. If you have a desire to give, the easiest way to do it is to give the money to my mom or dad and they can deposit it in my checking account and then I can withdraw it here with my ATM card. If you don’t want to give, no worries, I just wanted to present you with the opportunity. You can call my Mom at 423-593-6471, her cell, or 423-472-0279, her home number or reach Dad at his cell which is 423-716-3006. Please keep praying for us that God would open up more doors to join Him in setting things right and for wisdom to know which opportunities to focus on and invest in. You guys rock!!!
No Regrets,
P.S. If you could just let me know an approximate amount by Monday, that would be incredible because early next week we are going to sit down and add up how much money we have and start deciding how to divide it up and best use it. Thanks!

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